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Politische Lieder


Aus der Ära gibt es einen cooleren Song, von einer Westberliner Band, zur gleichen Thematik:

All systems on alert
Danger warning is out
The red telephone's off the hook
Nuclear fallout

Hold the hand of last night's lover
Smoke your last cigarette
You don't gonna have another
Nothing comes back
No return - no return

A priest drinks all the holy wine
Some junky shoots his last morphine
The newsspeaker breaks down with tears
No need to talk anymore

Hold the hand of last night's lover
Smoke your last cigarette
You don't gonna have another
Nothing comes back
No return - no return
No return - no return

A siren screem
Atomic ???
Some atoms divide
A big white flash sets the sky on fire
Collective suicide
Your shadow on the wall
Is that's left of you
No other trace at all
Your ashes are gone with the wind
No return
No return - no return
No return - no return

Your shadow on the wall
Is that's left of you
Your ashes are gone with the wind
No return
No return - no return
No return - no return
Aus der Ära gibt es einen cooleren Song, von einer Westberliner Band, zur gleichen Thematik:

All systems on alert
Danger warning is out
The red telephone's off the hook
Nuclear fallout

Hold the hand of last night's lover
Smoke your last cigarette
You don't gonna have another
Nothing comes back
No return - no return

A priest drinks all the holy wine
Some junky shoots his last morphine
The newsspeaker breaks down with tears
No need to talk anymore

Hold the hand of last night's lover
Smoke your last cigarette
You don't gonna have another
Nothing comes back
No return - no return
No return - no return

A siren screem
Atomic ???
Some atoms divide
A big white flash sets the sky on fire
Collective suicide
Your shadow on the wall
Is that's left of you
No other trace at all
Your ashes are gone with the wind
No return
No return - no return
No return - no return

Your shadow on the wall
Is that's left of you
Your ashes are gone with the wind
No return
No return - no return
No return - no return

Pudys gefällt mir aber besser. :D